Why the Dallas Mavericks hired a personal chef for Kyrie Irving

I Dallas Mavericks have hired a cook who also travels with the team on away trips. The new figure on the Mavs’ staff is dedicated exclusively to Kyrie Irving.

The former Cavs and Nets is following the Ramadan so he cannot eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. Clearly, such a diet risks harming a professional athlete, and not a little. That is why Dallas has hired a professional chef, charged with making sure that Irving can feed himself properly even in such an environment. The chef’s main job is to make sure that the point guard has the right foods available as soon as the sun goes down. Further complicating his job is also the fact that for some time Irving has been following a vegan diet.

The jab described the peculiarities of playing in this period this way.

Ramadan is a very special month. I try not to think too much about hunger or thirst but only about the path I take alongside the deity. I focus on this aspect and on maintaining inner discipline. It is not easy to play 48 minutes without having had anything to drink or eat, it can only be a miracle. This is proof that there is a Universal God who protects me and I have to thank him.

Judging by the resounding buzzer beater with which he gave Dallas the win against the Nuggets, Irving does not seem to be affected by Ramadan. Since he started the fast, the Mavericks have a 5-1 record, with the only loss coming against the Thunder but without the contribution of Luka Doncic.

Roberto Caporilli
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