Isaiah Stewart’s punch at Drew Eubanks: the NBA’s decision

In recent weeks there has been no talk of Drew Eubanks only in view of the Italian national team, with Pozzecco and Petrucci talking about his possible naturalization in view of the Pre-Olympic Games. The Phoenix Suns’ long player was also despite himself the protagonist of a fistfight in the locker room tunnel before the game against Detroit on Feb. 14. In the affair, Eubanks is nonetheless a victim: he was hit, some claim without any reason, with a punch to the face by Isaiah Stewart.

Stewart had even been arrested for the assault and taken away by police, but now the charges against him have been dropped. In return, the NBA has taken action against him, suspending him for 3 games without pay because of his misconduct. The Pistons player is no stranger to such incidents: a couple of years ago had reacted with fury to a blow suffered at the hands of LeBron James, which had caused him to bleed in the face. On that occasion Isaiah Stewart had chased James around the court, forcibly restrained by several teammates.

Francesco Manzi
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