Numerous high-profile NBA players have belittled the words of star athlete Noah Lyles for his opinion of the NBA Finals but Gregg Popovich had said the same thing more than 13 years ago.
An interesting detail has emerged: legendary NBA coach and now Hall of Famer, Gregg Popovich, said the exact same words as Noah Lyles more than 13 years ago.
“There are no world champions in the NBA, so anyone who has the flag that says world champions is not correct. It’s not appropriate.” told Steve Bulpett of the Boston Herald in a March 2010 interview.
“The world champions, I think, are the Spanish team right now. The United States is the Olympic champions. The Lakers are the NBA champions,” he said about the situation at the time. “It doesn’t make sense for an NBA team to call themselves world champions. I don’t remember anyone playing outside our borders to get that label. Don’t you? I’m waiting for someone to tell me I missed something.”
When Pop was asked about the Toronto Raptors, he dismissed the subject.
“There is a team in Canada. It’s true. The world is bigger than North America. I know sometimes we, arrogant Americans, don’t answer to the rest of the world, but it’s true. There is a big world out there.”, the coach said in 2010.
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