“Despicable Me” is an animated film series that has been so successful over the past 15 years. The fourth film will be released this summer, “Despicable Me 4”, and to promote it the production company. Illumination has chosen a special testimonial: Nikola Jokic. Not because Jokic is involved in the film, but because the Serbian is considered to be the doppelganger of Gru, the protagonist. A few months ago, when The Joker showed up at a game in a suit, a lot of people on social media compared him to the famous character who tries to conquer the moon in the movies.
And so Illumination jumped at the chance, publishing in the past few hours a teaser in which Nikola Jokic is seen in conversation with a psychologist. The Denver Nuggets star confesses to being compared to Gru on social media, but when the psychologist asks him if this bothers him he says no. Jokic’s problem is that because of this resemblance the Minions, the very famous yellow monsters that Gru is the leader of in the movies, won’t leave him alone.
“Guys, leave me alone! I’m not your boss!” Jokic shouts in closing teaser.
And as if that were not enough, for Game 1 against the Lakers tonight, Jokic showed up in an outfit that is exactly that of Gru: black sweatshirt and black and gray striped scarf. An absolutely winning promotion strategy.
Jokić pulled up looking like Gru from Despicable Me 😂🔥
(via @nuggets) pic.twitter.com/4hsKA71G8R
– Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) April 20, 2024