Neither team gets to 80, hasn’t happened in the NBA in ONE LIFETIME

The challenge between Philadelphia e New York did not only cause discussion because of the near brawl.

The match also remains in the annals for the very low score (79-73 in favor of the Sixers) by current NBA standards. By now, seeing two teams not touch 80 points is a very rare occurrence. It hasn’t happened since 2016, when Nuggets – Timberwolves ended 78-74.

A final result that clashes with the monstrous scores we are witnessing this year, both collectively and in terms of individual performances. This match reignited the social debate regarding the NBA defenses: on the one hand, there are those who argue that they are getting softer and that this favors the attacks, and on the other hand, there are those who think that the scorers’ skills are constantly improving.

It must be kept in mind that some 20 years ago these results were the order of the day. In the 2004-05 season, for example, it happened on no fewer than 45 occasions that both teams stayed under 80 points.

In two days the teams will face each other again and we will see if defenses will still prevail. In February it ended 96-110 for New York, another score not at all high compared to NBA habits. Moreover, the Knicks in their previous challenge had held the Orlando Magic to 74, managing in that case to win.

Roberto Caporilli
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