Milwaukee Bucks, twist: EXONERATION for Adrian Griffin

It’s ironic that the first bench to jump in the NBA season would be that of the team with the league’s second-best record, but the Milwaukee Bucks Just now they decided to fire coach Adrian Griffin. The coach, in his first experience as a head coach, had arrived in the summer with the very approval of Giannis Antetokounmpo but in recent times the Greek, as well as other Bucks players, would lose confidence in him.

The Bucks are second only to the Celtics in this first half of the season, with a 30-13 record despite some difficulties in the last period. Last night Milwaukee had won against the Detroit Pistons and overall has won 4 of its last 5 games.

For now the Bucks have chosen Griffin’s deputy, Joe Prunty, as interim coach but in the coming days they may hire a new coach. Already the name is being mentioned by Doc Rivers, who after his unsuccessful experience in Philadelphia was left without a bench and as of this year is a commentator for ESPN.

Francesco Manzi
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