In recent days the police, according to TMZ reports, had also begun investigating the case of Josh Giddey. Since his dating, which took place at an unknown time, with a 15-year-old girl became public knowledge. For the Australian player, whom the NBA is also investigating in parallel, there were those who even spoke of possible jail time if the allegations were confirmed. The girl would live in California, where the age of consent is 18.
As TMZ itself wrote, however the investigation was reportedly stalled because of the girl and her family, who were not cooperating with the authorities. No one reported a crime and the girl was reportedly consenting, although it is unclear whether or not Giddey knew of her real age. On this, too, will depend the judgment on the Oklahoma City Thunder’s point guard, who meanwhile are continuing to deploy Giddey in the quintet. If in OKC the player was applauded, on last night’s trip to Minneapolis the opposing crowd instead booed him with every touch of the ball.